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VerneMQ monitoring with Netdata

VerneMQ is a scalable and open source MQTT broker that connects IoT, M2M, Mobile, and web applications.

This module will monitor one or more VerneMQ instances, depending on your configuration.

vernemq module is tested on the following versions:

  • v1.10.1


It produces the following charts:


  • Open Sockets in sockets
  • Socket Open and Close Events in sockets/s
  • Closed Sockets due to Keepalive Time Expired in sockets/s
  • Closed Sockets due to no CONNECT Frame On Time in sockets/s
  • Socket Errors in errors/s


  • Living Queues in an Online or an Offline State in queue processes
  • Queue Processes Setup and Teardown Events in events/s
  • Queue Processes Initialized from Offline Storage in queue processes/s
  • Received and Sent PUBLISH Messages in messages/s
  • Undelivered PUBLISH Messages in messages


  • Subscriptions in the Routing Table in subscriptions
  • Matched Subscriptions subscriptions
  • Routing Table Memory Usage in KiB

Erlang VM

  • Average Scheduler Utilization in percentage
  • Erlang Processes in processes
  • Reductions in ops/s
  • Context Switches in ops/s
  • Received and Sent Traffic through Ports in KiB/s
  • Processes that are Ready to Run on All Run-Queues in KiB/s
  • GC Count in KiB/s
  • GC Words Reclaimed in KiB/s
  • Memory Allocated by the Erlang Processes and by the Emulator in KiB


  • Bandwidth in KiB/s


  • Stored Retained Messages in messages
  • Stored Retained Messages Memory Usage in KiB


  • Communication with Other Cluster Nodes in KiB/s
  • Traffic Dropped During Communication with Other Cluster Nodes in KiB/s
  • Unresolved Netsplits in netsplits
  • Netsplits in netsplits/s


  • v5 AUTH in packets/s
  • v5 AUTH Received by Reason in packets/s
  • v5 AUTH Sent by Reason in packets/s


  • v3/v5 CONNECT and CONNACK in packets/s
  • v3/v5 CONNACK Sent by Reason in packets/s


  • v3/v5 DISCONNECT in packets/s
  • v5 DISCONNECT Received by Reason in packets/s
  • v5 DISCONNECT Sent by Reason in packets/s


  • v3/v5 SUBSCRIBE and SUBACK in packets/s
  • v3/v5 Failed SUBSCRIBE Operations due to a Netsplit in ops/s
  • v3/v5 Unauthorized SUBSCRIBE Attempts in attempts/s


  • v3/v5 UNSUBSCRIBE and UNSUBACK in packets/s
  • v3/v5 Failed UNSUBSCRIBE Operation due to a Netsplit in ops/s


  • v3/v5 QoS 0,1,2 PUBLISH in packets/s
  • v3/v5 Failed PUBLISH Operations due to a Netsplit in ops/s
  • v3/v5 Unauthorized PUBLISH Attempts in attempts/s
  • v3/v5 QoS 1 PUBACK in packets/s
  • v5 PUBACK QoS 1 Received by Reason in packets/s
  • v5 PUBACK QoS 1 Sent by Reason in packets/s
  • v3/v5 PUBACK QoS 1 Received Unexpected Messages in messages/s
  • v3/v5 PUBREC QoS 2 in packets/s
  • v5 PUBREC QoS 2 Received by Reason in packets/s
  • v5 PUBREC QoS 2 Sent by Reason in packets/s
  • v3 PUBREC QoS 2 Received Unexpected Messages in messages/s
  • v3/v5 PUBREL QoS 2 in packets/s
  • v5 PUBREL QoS 2 Received by Reason in packets/s
  • v5 PUBREL QoS 2 Sent by Reason in packets/s
  • v3/v5 PUBCOMP QoS 2 in packets/s
  • v5 PUBCOMP QoS 2 Received by Reason in packets/s
  • v5 PUBCOMP QoS 2 Sent by Reason in packets/s
  • v3/v5 PUBCOMP QoS 2 Received Unexpected Messages in messages/s


  • v3/v5 PING in packets/s


  • Node Uptime in seconds


Edit the go.d/vernemq.conf configuration file using edit-config from the Netdata config directory, which is typically at /etc/netdata.

cd /etc/netdata # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory
sudo ./edit-config go.d/vernemq.conf

Needs only url to server's /metrics endpoint. Here is an example for 2 servers:

- name: local

- name: remote

For all available options please see module configuration file.


To troubleshoot issues with the vernemq collector, run the go.d.plugin with the debug option enabled. The output should give you clues as to why the collector isn't working.

First, navigate to your plugins directory, usually at /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/. If that's not the case on your system, open netdata.conf and look for the setting plugins directory. Once you're in the plugin's directory, switch to the netdata user.

cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/
sudo -u netdata -s

You can now run the go.d.plugin to debug the collector:

./go.d.plugin -d -m vernemq

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